Saturday, March 23, 2013

Crawling - little leg style

Oscar has his own special way of crawling. He gets into everything and goes anywhere he wants. I can honestly say I love his little leg. I couldn't imagine him any other way. I use to have dreams about his leg growing but I haven't had any in a long time. I love how his little leg fits cupped in my hand when I nurse him. If we choose to lengthen, his leg will change. It will have scars from the fixators. Part of me wants him to stay the same but I know as he grows his needs will change. In our eyes, he is perfect. This year is going by so fast and he will soon be nine months. This time last year we had just received the news that Oscar would have a little leg and we were waiting for an amino to tell us if he would be ok. We thought we might lose our rainbow baby and now, he is here and life couldn't be better!
Oscar got his first pair of shoes. The clerks at the shoe store were a little thrown off at first but reacted quite well to Oscar's unique situation. He charmed them with a perfectly timed smile and his inquisitive brown eyes.
I'm looking into some jobs I can do to bring in some extra money. We need to prepare for future costs. It's hard though, I've been out of the work force since Alex was born and with all his appointments and nursing Oscar, it's hard to find something that will work. I think the only thing that will work is babysitting some kids in our house. I will do anything to help my Oscar get what he needs but I still have to care for the needs of Alex. He is doing so much better in therapy but it is necessary for him to continue seeing all his therapists. He recently learned to tie shoes and just today learned how to open his favorite drink, pedisure. I still hope, with all these therapies, that Alex will lead an independent life one day. Here's a picture of his new shoes and a rare picture of all three kids looking at the camera at the the same time!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Oscar can crawl!!!

Not that I had any doubt he could but it is still amazing! He has been army crawling for about a month and now crawls on his left knee and his right foot. It is adorable! I have been very inspired lately by a lady on Facebook who lengthened with Dr. Paley, over 20 inches!!! - which is what Oscar would need, if lengthening is possible. I'm hopeful that it is based on some of the cases I've seen. Lengthening would mean years and years of surgery and I'm worried about how we will pay for all the expenses associated with surgery, even if we can convince our insurance to pay for the lengthening. Every time he has lengthening, I will need to stay in Florida for four or five months for appointments and daily physical therapy. I have no idea how I will manage that along with my other children, one who is autistic and require multiply weekly appointments, and the other who needs weekly speech appointments for her lisp. Currently I take care of my children's appointments while my husband works. I guess I shouldn't worry yet until after Oscar's first appointment but, in typical mommy style, I worry for children's future. Right now I will rejoice in the milestones my son is meeting despite his difference. He is so happy each time he learns something new! I can't wait until he gets his first helper leg so he can walk!