Friday, August 2, 2013


A year ago I worried that new baby wouldn't be able to run and play with his brothers and sisters, that he wouldn't meet his milestones, that he would struggle to do things that come so easily to other kids.  None of these worries have come to be and Oscar is in fact a pretty typical baby and maybe even a little bit more of a daredevil than my daughter.  Oscar just got his first helper leg and we are gradually easing him into wearing it.  He is such as good crawler that wearing his leg and trying to walk is like taking a step back for him but he does see a benefit to it.  He doesn't try to take if off like I thought he would, its like he already knows his little leg should be longer.  
I thought he got a lot of stares before he got his helper leg but his leg has brought him a lot of attention!  A lot of stares and quick glances away when I notice.  Note to people who think you can stare inconspicuously - You can't!  I notice every stare, I just don't care to point it out to you that I notice.  Oscar must think he's a little superstar with all this attention and I think I'll keep it that way!  Just smile at him if you're interested to see his little leg or even ask me about him.  I'm a typical mom who loves to talk about her kids.  Just don't say "Aww, that poor baby." Oscar is rich with love from his family and everyone who meets him.  He is persistent and determined to do what he wants and that will benefit him throughout his life.
Here's his temporary leg.  A few more modifications and it will work great!

How could you not stare at this adorable boy? - just be sure to smile back!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I have seen you and Oscars at preschool. And just had to find your blog after leaving or coming into school behind you. I always wondered about his brace and little leg. Thank you for the very explanatory blog. And if you ever thought I was staring I was admiring how adorable he is and how strong he his. I have seen him trip and get right back up like it didn't even faze him. He inspired me that day to push him for a positive day. Thank you for sharing your story. And I hope everything is OK as it doesn't show any recent blogs
